Thursday, June 24, 2010

Coming Up Next: A 'real' Interview with Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan published an interview he gave to Subhah Jha on his blog here. He actually wanted to say something else, but what came out of his pen is something different. What would have been his `real' answers to the same questions, had he not been the megastar constantly on his toe to secure a solid career for his son in the film industry? Stay tuned to know the real interview.


archana said...

looking forward to the interview

kumar said...

Honestly AB has really gone mad to promote his beta. Sometimes it looks really ridiculous that people can do so many undignified things to prop up the careers of their kids.

Anonymous said...

kobe? kobe? kobe? taratari

Mimi Sen said...

@Archana, Anon: Don't forget I need take care of a 4 year old alone. So "taratari" hobe na...

@kumar: you bet they do.